Wednesday, September 20, 2006


quicken is one of those programs that i love to hate, and hate to satisfies my inner nerd, as well as my not-so-inner control the same time it draws my attention to alarming things, like for instance how much we spend each month on the damn menagerie that lives here.

when you play budget, it all looks like it is going to work out so nicely. and theeeeen you need new tires. and your girlfriend needs dental work. and another damn animal needs to be spayed, so that there aren't any more damn animals running around on the side of lebanon road for julie to PICK UP AND BRING HOME FOR ME TO TAKE CARE OF. and yeah, you are supposed to budget for those "unexpected" expenses....but really? does anyone ever succeed at that?

anyways, quicken and i had a heart to heart today, because it is looking more and more like we are about to become a single income family, with yours truly as the primary breadwinner (SCARY). i'm afraid that julie's mental health will not withstand many more days at her job. and her mental health coverage, while decent, might not suffice in the case of the breakdown which is currently pending. so really what it boils down to is that somehow, someway, one of us has to bring home $343 to supplement what i am currently making. and yes, that number is precisely accurate. and my projection of our expenses is fool proof, and fail safe.

how many nights would i have to strip to make $343? lets hear some projections.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure it's $343 and not $342.57? Are you taking on a negative outlook and rounding up? I certainly hope that isn't the case.

Anonymous said...

hmm i would say about 3 nights... if it was on the weekend