Wednesday, September 13, 2006


when i thought that i would be able to go to school full time and work full time and still have a life, i was wrong. so wrong. and just when i thought things might be settling down:

most people only get stomach bugs -- or food poisoning, or whatever ailment makes you think you are going to die from throwing up -- every so often. this is not the case for me. this morning around, say, 3:00, i awoke with the sudden realization that i was going to be ill. julie was woken by my retching, and came to my rescue with the most important treatment method for vomiting -- the wet washcloth. the cats paced around in the bathroom, looking concerned (or confused) -- the dog started to whimper in her house with the realization that WE WERE DOING SOMETHING WITHOUT HER. little codependant shit. my violent illness began to subside around hour and a half before the alarm was due to go off.

julie INSISTED that i not go to school today. but it is still early enough in the semester that i am worried i will certainly flunk all my classes if i miss a single lecture. so i ignored her protestations, and crawled out the door looking my absolute best. it is also early enough in the semester that i hadn't yet gone to class looking like shit. well, there goes the illusion that i shower regularly and wash my hair. ah well. they were bound to find out sometime.

i'm nursing myself back to health by eating dry clifford crunch (please note: if you haven't ever had clifford crunch, you have not experienced true pleasure). i might treat myself to some vegetable broth when i get home.

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