Thursday, October 26, 2006

a wee bit of food trivia for you

hello? internet? do you remember me?

i'm the one that used to have a life that included things like having free time to blog aimlessly, having friends (that i saw face to face!), and having a well-balanced diet.

now my diet mostly consists of jesus. and hot tea. at the same time. every. single. day.

and now, i present myself in my time of need, as the moment in which julie's family arrives at our house draws ever nearer. i like them, i really do like them, but i'm feeling a little neurotic about having them at our HOUSE. what will we do to entertain them? what will happen if they look in the strategically placed suitcase at the foot of our bed? what will i FEED them? they all seem kind of scared of the food that i eat. usually we visit them in indianapolis, and i bring a lot of food with me because otherwise i would have to last the whole weekend on carrot sticks. so it is not unusual for me to dig around in my purse and find something to eat, while they look on with utter horror and confusion. always when we visit them, we go to the "riley house" for breakfast, which they fondly refer to as the "old cracker barrel." it is your classic small town greasy sppon -- the place to see and be seen. the place to eat cholesterol laden foods and lotsa animal products. BUT they do have something on the menu which i am QUITE fond of, and which i have never seen down here in the sooooouth. fried mush.

you win a prize if you know what fried mush is, without having to google it. or ask someone. or call riley house. NO CHEATING.


Tom Campion said...

No Google? No fun!


I want to bring this friendship hiatus to a close. This whole "graduate school being hard" thing has really socked it to me as well. Should we refer to our calendars (mine is on Google Calendar; is yours too, or do you use bound sheets of paper?) and "carve out" (I hate that phrase) some time? That's right: scheduling friendship.

On a side note, I finally tried Soy Dream, and I don't like it as much as Silk.

This is a long comment. Maybe I should have just emailed you. Like five months ago.


TRC, Jr.

Lindsay C said...

I don't know but it sounds delicious. tee hee p.s. not blogging since september is NOT COOL. [and I know you know that. .. ] And actually, that goes for you too tom. Posting articles to Delicious does not count.