Wednesday, July 18, 2007


noticed that i've had a lot of grumpy posts lately. maybe i should steer clear of talking. here is one day's worth of cucumber harvest from the garden.

i recently discovered that the cucumber vine has taken over the little picket fence that divides our yard from the neighbors' yard, and there are cucumbers growing willy-nilly all over the place. vegetables, a-hoy!


Anonymous said...

i am in complete happiness right now. i have been at home for over 2 months now and when i say "been home" i mean not working and maybe only leaving the house once a week. the dogs now think i am one of them. i have somehow become the den mother of them all and with you being a mother of one of our spawn you know how difficult that can be. when i do leave the house for just mere minutes after my wife arrives home they all line up at the gate and take turns whining as if i have left them alone in the night. so n e ways..i have such forgotten to look at your blogs since may so i had lots of reading to entertain myself so for that i say thank you! we also miss you guys but i have some health issues going on so we have been not very social but hopefully soon my female insides will deliver what i belive to be a spawn of satan to be growing in me and i and we can see our friends. so morgan thank you for my entertainment. please keep it up for you are so entertaining.
<3 you

Anonymous said...

i'll withhold comment...

Anonymous said...

I second Tiff. I hadn't visited your page in a while (you had a dry spell, ahem) and had some catching up to do. Maybe it's because I know you, but your voice really comes through in your writing. I swear I could pick your posts out of a line up, sans names etc. Keep us informed of your personal life please, it makes for great reading. I'm waiting to the follow up on the family weekend. Don't tell me you didn't get a single good story out of that. I've got to know the grandmother's reaction! Hope you two 'den of sin gals' are doing well. Bust a cap, eastside.