Friday, April 14, 2006


i was thinking today that maybe i should start being a complete asshole when i drive, because that's what everybody else in nashville does.

then, i could trade in my small, fuel-efficient car for a huge monstrosity suv that gets 1.5 mpg so i can rumble around town being the biggest thing on the road, so that i can better be a complete asshole while driving.

and then i could get some "w" bumper stickers, and also some bumper stickers with rubbish about family values and how gay people getting married is ruining america. and one of those yellow ribbon magnets, also.

and THEN i could drive my monster to mcdonalds to get a mcfatty meal with extra jumbo size cholesterol potatoes and a side of heart attack sauce. and a 100 gallon diet coke.

then when i finish my meal, i could throw my trash out the window of my monster. on my way to see a nascar race with hope that i will see a horrible crash in which someone gets maimed.

cynical? me? oh please.

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