Wednesday, April 12, 2006

trouble in paradise

i like to give inanimate objects names and personalities. for instance, my car is named millie. she is very sassy. my jade plant is named tildie. she is kind of shy. this tendency toward personification also applies to my body. not all of my parts have names, but a lot of them have defining personality characteristics, and as they all live together i think of them like a village. some members of the village get along better than others, but overall it is a good little village -- happy and peaceful -- that functions very well.

except for right now.

there has been some kind of village invasion, and all hell has broken loose. my nose, who is sensitive and finicky and kind of overreactive, has gone waaaaay overboard with trying to flush out these invaders. my throat is in a state of panic. my head is overwhelmed by all this, and has taken to her bed with a massive headache. my bronchial passages are putting up a mean fight, tough little guys that they are, and my soft pink lungs are running scared. my stomach apparently received news of the turmoil in the northern hemisphere and threw an all-out tantrum, attempting to empty her contents (of which there were none) at 4:30 this morning. we're throwing up the white flag.

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