Wednesday, July 05, 2006

income option number one

i was thinking that stripping would be a good way to bridge this little financial gap between me losing my job and, um, well, me losing my job.

i do not, however, want to shoot ping pong balls or fountains of water out of my hoo-ha.

i only see two potential complications. the first is that i think most strippers have long ass fake nails. i do not have those. and i could get fake ones, but there is a pretty compelling reason why your average lesbian does not have long nails.

the second is that i think most strippers wear really high high heels. i do not walk in high heels. they make my feet and my legs hurt too much, and life is too short to totter around and risk breaking yourself because of teetering shoes. i mostly just walk in birkenstocks, and i don't know how well that would go over with the lunchtime business crowd. i guess i could be crunchy granola stripper girl. one of a kind.

i'm going to start practicing my pole tricks. as soon as i get a pole. installed in the kitchen.

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